Monday, July 23, 2007

The trip down

The trip down was pretty uneventful as compared to last year's musical (see Honduras 2006: The Musical). I was to meet Mary at the Nashville airport but did not find her until after we got off the plane in Miami. We had a little delay in Miami while we waited in the E terminal in Siberia, but we made it to Teguc without a problem. While Mary and I waited for our luggage we ran into Rudy and Ryan who were there to pick up Ryan's luggage that did not arrive when he did the day before.
After we got our bags we headed out to meet Terry and went to get some lunch at Wendy's. Then we headed to the new Bodega to hook up with Margaret, Jenny, Tricky Pat, Steffey and Leslie who were organizing the supplies that had been shipped prior to our arrival.
Saturday was the day for Terry to make 100 trips to the airport. He left us at the Bodega and headed back to pick up the Oklahomians Wyeth and Mark. We all loaded in the truck (about 12) and headed to the mission house. We left the luggage at the bodega b/c there was not enough room in the truck.....a toyota. After we got to the mission house Terryy headed back to the airport to pick up Brett and Judy. We all were to get ready and wait for their return so we could then go eat dinner at El Coral. Terry got back BUT did not have Brett and Judy. They were not at the airport and there was not another TACA flight coming in that began the great hunt for the Canadians.......AND the birth of, " Are you my mom? Are you Brett and Judy? Are you Canadian?"
We all headed back to the the truck....but we ran into a traffic jam and were stuck for about 30 min. When we finally got to the airport it was closed and still no sign of Judy and Brett. We headed on to the resturant and while we were eating Jenny Wright showed up and following her was Judy and Brett. So we found out what had happened. TACA arrived early and Terry had been late due traffic. Jenny who lives in HOnduras and is friends with the Canadians had come to the airport to see them. After waiting and no signs of Terry they left with Jenny to go serach for us.....but missed us b/c we were out looking for them.
After dinner we all (14 now) piled into the toyota and headed back up the mountian. At about a speed of 10 mph.
So ends the first day.

Sorry no good pics from this day.


dinah lou said...

You are correct. That is not quite as eventful as the trip to Honduras last year. Although I thought that Brett and Judy might have experienced the Musical again. But they just arrived early so that you and Terry could experience the inconsistencies of TACA. Can't wait to read about the rest of the trip.

JSM said...

I"m ready to more now, thank you...

The Smith Family said...

Ditto Judy's comment!